Thursday, July 16, 2009

daddy's angel

**Warning: The following photos ooze with cuteness. Do not look if you are baby hungry.**

I will give anyone $500 cash if they can find a picture cuter than this little girl. Make that $750. We've taken enough photos of our kids the past few years to almost fill up 2 - 750GB Maxor back-up hard drives...and these take the cake. Sorry for the horn tootage...
I can retire now....for a few hours at least.


Krys72599 said...

LOVE that dimple!!!

Mrs. Brightful said...

You're right. She is absolutely presh!!

Sara Ancich said...

How did you get her to smile like that? Were you wearing black vinyl pants?

Collin Kartchner said... vinyl pants is for when I need to get Liz to smile :)

Rosemary said...

Um, I'll trade you 3 decent looking babies for this one darling little sweetie pie. I think she has a solid chance at baby modeling to enable my husband & I to retire early. And, is your blog username cbass? Like Chuck Bass?

Collin Kartchner said...


Cbass was a nickname from highschool, C for Collin, Bass for who knows what. I think it did come around from Dumb and Dumber.

Unknown said...

Absolutely ADORABLE Collin! You & Elizabeth both do a great job of capturing precious pics of your 2 sweet girls!! :)

Reina said...

She is cute but my little man is super cute him self so you may have a tie:)

Mindy said...

I looked like the sucker I am.. now my heart hurts! She's so cute it hurts!